Handcrafted Emblems

for nature lovers, conjurer-hermits, and time-traveling priestesses

For the curious,

this sculpture is special because it comes from overlapping places.

a dream

In the dream I tried on a necklace which was also a twig which was also a tiny pen.

I looked in the mirror and I was astonished.

the meeting place

The Meeting Place is a tree with two trunks.

Some of the branches arch over land, and some arch over water. The water is an estuary, where freshwater from the mountains mixes with the saltwater of the bay.

A family of crows showed me this tree as their preferred location for gift exchange.

The Meeting Place is a Coast Live Oak in Oakland, California.

my studio

That’s where I made the mold of a fallen twig from The Meeting Place.

I managed to make a double of that twig, and then I coaxed that twig-double into transforming itself into a pen.

(My studio used to be my bedroom. It’s where I had the dream.)

You could carry this gift into its next place.

I’m Jessica!

The emblems you’ll find here – I sculpt them in collaboration with my plant and animal neighbors.

I do it as a reminder that passage between realms is possible, and as a testament to how much of a miracle relationship can be.

I make them for you, to carry into the future. I hope they’re good reminders, and I hope they bring you pleasure!